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Are We Seeing The Beginning Of The Ultimate Crash

Bitcoin - The Currency of the Internet
Are We Seeing The Beginning Of The Ultimate Crash

And no, i'm not talking about bitcoin, i'm talking about fiat. My opinion for the last few years is that we're going to see a huge financial crash in fiat. In those few years we have seen some currencies crash by 15% or more, currencies like the british pound, turkish currency and more. Well it seems now the American stock market is begining to show weakness. In my opinion fiat was always going to fail in the end, because the whole idea of fiat is debt, and debt is increasing to an unsustainable amount. The whole lot is going to start showing huge weakness, bit by bit, before the huge institutions start putting their money into crypto and gold as a save haven. Eventually crypto will be adopted as the superior currency. In my opinion we're at the start of that evolution. Bitcoin was created after the last financial crash, and will start to be adopted after the next crash. MY advice right now is to start saving, and cut down your lifestyle because this is going to hit us hard.

Your thoughts.

submitted by /u/bitcoinfuture1 [link] [comments]